1. Empathetic- I am really good at putting myself in someone else's shoes and understanding where they are coming from. This helps me to be a good predictor when it comes to what people may do, buy, or want and why which definitely helps me understand the needs and wants of consumers.
2. Individualization- I am good at identifying the strengths of those surrounding me and using those to the advantage of a group in order to have the most efficient and effective experience.
3. Learner- I am the type of person who goes out of my way to learn new information and seek out answers. I also just love learning new random facts. It is this love of learning new things that makes me good at researching.
4. Positive- I am the kind of person who is undoubtedly optimistic and I try to find the good side of every situation and focus on that. I also like to joke around a lot and keep things light hearted.
5. Hard working- I am the kind of person who sets my mind on something and does not stop until that thing has been achieved. I work day and night to put my all into everything I do. With me there is no try, there is only put everything I have into something.
All five of my interviews were put into the video below:
Overall I would say the way my interviewees assessed me is pretty similar to my own assessment. Some of my interviewees brought up my people skills and charisma, which I did not directly mention myself. I think that's because being social is so second nature to me, I did not even think to put that on my list of unique characteristics about myself. Also it was brought up that I have solid morals which I never considered a part of my human capital, but that is helpful in a high pressure business environment and would make me stand out. I think they were all pretty accurate in assessing me since they said things very similar to what I had said myself. I do think I might make some adjustments to my list if I were to do it again. Perhaps instead of interviewing two friends, I would switch out one of the friends for one of my siblings just to get another unique perspective.