Wednesday, June 20, 2018

14A Halfway Reflection

Over the last two months, I have developed a few strategies to help me keep up with the requirements for this course. The first thing I did was I created a playlist of songs that I really love that help me to stay focused and positive and happy. I play this music while writing the assignments for this course as a way to keep me positive, and to give me something to look forward to while I do my work as a way of motivating myself to get it done. I also like to check through the assignments the Friday before the assignments are due in order to give me a week to preview the assignments and make a plan for how and when I would like to get these assignments completed. I then write this plan in my planner so that I can hold myself to the schedule throughout the week. Planning it out in small bits makes the assignments much more manageable and far less overwhelming.

There were definitely some times when I felt like giving up in this class or skipping a week. The hardest week was when I had three other assignments due for another class, and I had been visiting family in the hospital every day of the week so my schedule was very packed and I found myself extremely stressed. What pulled me through was knowing how proud and accomplished I would feel if I could make it through that week. I also like to keep in mind that the class is point based so, to avoid stressful weeks in the future, I needed to accomplish every assignment in the class until I reach the grade I desire. Knowing these two things is what helps to keep me motivated, but knowing I can tune in to music I love while doing for the work is another thing that causes me to look forward to doing these assignments. Now, when I think about skipping an assignment, I think about how I made it through that extremely stressful week and remind myself that if I could get the work done then, I can surely get it done now.

Three tips I would offer to other students are to find something that motivates them while completing assignments (for me it is the playlist I listen to while doing work), plan ahead and schedule time for you to get the work done during the week, and reward yourself with something you enjoy only after the work is completed (I like to watch one short YouTube video after completing each one of the assignments).


  1. Hey Katia,
    I think that it is really cool that you have made a playlist to listen to while doing school work. I actually have done the same thing! I have a couple different playlists that I have made on Spotify that I listen to while I am doing school work. I like to turn it up loud to help drain out all of the outside noise. It helps me stay focused! I can understand wanting to skip a week though! I had two other classes in Summer A, and there were times where I had other priorities on my mind. But it is good that we are continuing to pull through!
    -Dakota Horlocker

  2. Katia,
    Great Gifs! I am sorry to hear about your family in the hospital, and I know that it can be really tough to balance family and schoolwork when someone is in the hospital. I think your advice about finding motivation is great, and that is what will get you through tough times. I mean we all want an A, but once you find the deeper and more meaningful motivation it becomes easier to get the work done.

  3. Hi Katia.
    It sounds like you are practicing the art of tenacity- in other words, the art of “hanging in there.” Even when the going gets rough, like me, you don’t quit until you get it done. Good job!
    You have some great ideas as well. Listening to a playlist is a good idea, but it doesn’t work for me while I am doing work because I find myself nodding along with the music instead of writing. However, I do like to take a break once in a while and put some good songs on, and dance out! It refreshes my energy, gets me revved up so I am ready to work some more.
    Your best tip was the one about rewarding yourself. What a great idea! When you are working hard, and it seems like the work will never end, it does help one to continue when they can look forward to the reward. It also helps motivate one to get started, knowing the reward for hard work is on the other end. Good job!
