Monday, July 2, 2018

17A Elevator Pitch 2

The original feedback on my elevator pitch was very interesting. I was told people really liked the way I provided a detailed scenario that people could relate to, and it was also said that I have good presentation skills. However, it was said that the intro was too long and I needed to focus more on my product and how it actually works. I also received some feedback on the points I made about the befits my product would offer that people responded well to so I made sure to keep those in my elevator pitch.

Overall, it seemed like the biggest feedback was to continue being passionate in the presentation, but focus more on the product itself, and not on the introduction.

As a result, I rewrote the introduction to focus more on the product and included more details on how my product would actually function. This meant I had to cut the introduction by a lot, leaving out many of the unnecessary details, but keeping the overall idea the same.


  1. Hi Katia,

    You did a great job talking about the product. I could easily understand how the product would work based on your description. For my second elevator pitch, I added when and where the product would be available to purchase – you might consider adding some type of purchasing details like these in your next elevator pitch so that interested buyers could have even more information to help make their decision. Overall, nice job!

    Ashley Decker

  2. Hey Katia,
    I think you did a great job being very passionate in your presentation. I watched your first presentation as well and I thought that you did a great job on that one. With that being said, I think you did even better on this one! I think that you were definitely more passionate, and you had a better direction of telling more about the product! I felt more engaged in this video, and I could tell that you genuinely believed in your product. When you believe in your product, others will believe too! Good job!
    -Dakota Horlocker
